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Positive Psychology at Work

Creating workplace environments where staff and business thrive

Do you want:


Thriving staff that enjoy being at work and bring their best selves to work every day?

A fresh way to talk about workplace wellness?

Evidence-based strategies to improve employee productivity, engagement and wellbeing?

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Fresh, evidence-based education, tools and support to help individuals and organizations thrive.

Psychological Health and Safety

Get support in implementing the National Standard for Psychological Health and Safety in the workplace

Positive wellbeing

Explore the latest research in positive psychology and how it can help staff and teams improve, develop and maintain mental wellbeing

Strengths-based Team Building

Assess your team's strengths, learn how to use them and watch your team grow

Personal & Professional Development

Support staff in developing personal and professional development goals with one-on-one coaching services

Areas of focus 

Mae Kroeis

Master of Public Health - Health Promotion

Certified Professional Coach

Mental Health Promotion Facilitator

As a wellbeing coach and consultant, I’m on a mission to help create lives and workplaces where people can be their best selves, mentally and emotionally, not just physically. 


I have a Master’s degree in Public Health - Health Promotion and a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and spent my career working in mental health promotion in the public sector helping community groups and organizations use positive psychology to develop programs for mental wellbeing. 


As a Certified Professional Coach, I use coaching techniques to ensure Positive Psychology education, programs and tools translate into sustained practices over time.


Workplaces are feeling the pressure more than ever to address workplace mental health as a facet of employee wellness. 

Deloitte's 2019 report The ROI in workplace mental health programs: Good for people, good for business states "On average, mental health issues account for 30 to 40 percent of short-term disability (STD) claims and 30 percent of long-term disability (LTD) claims in Canada, with the prevalence of claims for mental health diagnoses climbing by 0.5 to 1 percent every year."


However, many workplaces are unsure about the effectiveness of workplace mental health programs and often only address mental health when there's a problem. Reactionary efforts to problems and programs focused solely on reducing costs related to disabilities miss out on the major benefits that a positive psychology based program offers to overall organizational effectiveness.


Positive Organizational Psychology uses the principles of positive psychology to build positive employee mental wellbeing and organizational culture, effectively helping to prevent problems related to mental health, employee absenteeism, presenteeism and lack of engagement all at the same time. 


With evidence-based tools, coaching techniques and expertise in mental health and positive psychology, I offer a variety of programs to create a mutually reinforcing loop of positive mental wellbeing and positive workplace culture. 

Check all your boxes at once: workplace mental health + positive workplace culture + employee wellbeing

Contact us to learn more.

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Positive Psychology at Work

Canadian Hemophelia Society, Alberta Chapter

Franco-Albertan Sports Federation

Calgary Board of Education Teacher's Convention, Greater Edmonton Board of Education Teacher's Convention

Whitespace Writers

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